In November of 2023, Relavox was asked to create a series promo for SYFY’s fan favorite, CHUCKY. The unique objective was to use scenes from all three seasons to create a promo that made the series look like a classic holiday film.

Pulling inspiration from It’s a Wonderful Life,” and with a little dash of Home Alone, we created a faux trailer for what we call, It’s a Wonderful Knife.” We set out to create something that felt cinematic and rhythmic and, of course, completely over the top. Our challenge was finding clips from three seasons that played together as if they were from one Christmastime storyline. We ended up with an action-packed ride set to an epic rendition of “O’ Holy Night.”

Our Role

  • Concept and Ideation

    Budgeting & Scheduling


  • Editing

    Sound Mix


    Mastering & Delivery